
Restoration of the Lightstation
The Keeper’s Quarters had been boarded up, having been last occupied in 1994. The grounds had become overgrown and unsightly. The landscaping of the grounds needed to be updated, consistent with its historic character and Olmsted charm. The quarters and the lighthouse tower were restored to an early 1900’s character consistent with the surrounding community and the renovated Lake Park Pavilion.
The Keeper’s Quarters
A complete exterior restoration and interior renovation of the quarters was completed in 2007. The interior of the building was redesigned to allow for the new uses described above, yielding approximately 1,500 square feet of usable space. The exterior features clapboard siding and architectural detail for an appearance consistent with the circa-1912 Keeper’s Quarters. The renovated building is handicap-accessible on its north side. There is an exhibit/meeting space on the east (lake) side of the quarters, and a principal entrance on the west side, as well as an interior stairway leading to the second-floor library/boardroom and Friends’ offices.
The Lighthouse Tower
Extensive restoration of the Lighthouse Tower was required, including lead paint abatement and taking steel and cast iron compounds down to the bare metal, removing rust and refitting and reglazing portals and windows. The Lighthouse Tower was repainted and display and functional lighting was installed on the interior and exterior. A covered passageway, which originally linked the Keeper’s Quarters and the Lighthouse, has been restored. Visitors enter and exit the lighthouse through the covered passageway from the Keeper’s Quarters. The lantern room, having been reglazed and refitted with subtle, practical safeguards, is open to accommodate the public tours. Although the Lighthouse Tower is not operational, a symbolic low-wattage light has been installed at the top of the Tower. The original 1928 Fourth-Order Fresnel lens and old Milwaukee’s 800 lb fog bell are exhibited in the Keeper’s Quarters.